Our Little Youth stay active and engaged with a variety of exciting activities and ministries tailored for the youngest members at Sunset. These fun events are designed to help children build lasting bonds of friendship and a sense of family, all while fostering a Christian attitude of service.
Children’s Bible Hour
Bible Hour is for Little Youth ages 2 through Kindergarten and provides the opportunity for children to learn at their own level while parents are afforded the chance to listen and participate in the worship service without distractions. Each month the children’s studies focus on a specific biblical concept, which parents can reinforce at home. Monthly Newsletters are provided with current topics.
There are lots of activities throughout the year like trips to see the Springfield Cardinals, barbecues, “Spring Fling”, and the “Fall Festival”. And each fall the Little Youth will have special activities at our annual family camp-out. Lots of excitement and tons of fun for these young campers.
Service Projects
Among all the fun things they enjoy, the Little Youth also tackle service projects. One of the projects taken on by this group is the annual caroling at local care facilities during the holidays.
A more thorough list of Little Youth projects and activities is available.