The Perfect Place for Imperfect People

Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class

Ladies' Bible Study, Sunset Church of Christ, Springfield MO

Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class

Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class meets each Wednesday morning in Multi-purpose Rm 4B.  Come early and come often! We have a great time.

Our studies mainly focused on women, how they can be more Christ-like in this modern world, and how to deal with the circumstances we deal with today.

We have a fellowship luncheon each month and host the ministers and staff of Sunset and the ministers from Brookline Church of Christ and Union Hill Church of Christ.

We also have a Remind Group, especially for this group in case we have inclement weather and class is canceled.  To join the Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class Group, just click the button below.



Apr 02 2025


10:00 am - 11:00 am

Info / Register

Join Class 'Remind Group'


Multi-Purpose Room 4B
Sunset Church of Christ, 1222 W. Sunset St., Springfield MO 65807

Other Locations

Sunset Church of Christ
Sunset Church of Christ
1222 W. Sunset St., Springfield MO 65807
Join Class 'Remind Group'
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