Though most of Sunset’s Global Missions are focused in the Americas, we’re dedicated to spreading the good news of Jesus worldwide.
- Ecuador
Sunset is helping to plant a congregation in the coastal city of Manta in Ecuador. This region has many opportunities for service and the beginnings of what hopefully will be a strong congregation there. A team of Ecuadorian missionaries is in place and is working diligently for the Lord.
- Voice of Truth International
The Voice of Truth International is published in seven languages: English, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Nepali, and Paite. The focus of our “World Evangelism” team is evangelism through radio, TV, printed materials, Bible training schools, seminars, and personal evangelism in many countries of the world. Our goal is to be the bridge between supporting Christians and churches in the United States and foreign brethren who are the “boots on the ground” to carry the work to its point of fruition. Please pray for us.
- Myanmar
Sunset is also a supporter of the work in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). Sunset helps support the Myanmar Preaching School through World Evangelism Missions. In addition, Sunset also helps support missionaries who are established there with their work.
- Mexico
Sunset also supports a mission in Mexico.- 21st Century Global Missions with J.C. Enlow, heads up the Mexico Preacher Training School. There are three schools located in Mexico, all in the state of Chiapas: San Andres Larrainzar, San Cristobal, and Tapachula.