- 23Sunday Morning Worship Service8:15 am - 10:30 amSunday Morning Worship Service is at 8:15 & and then again at 10:30 AM. Our morning worship services are identical. Many topics are covered during the morning worship, including scripture reading, songs, and the Lord’s Supper. You can also tune into our live-stream Sunday worship services at 10:30 AM on , ...Children’s Bible Hour 2 yr-olds to Kindergarten9:00 am - 12:00 pmChildren’s Bible Hour is available at both morning services on Sunday. Bring your child to the Multi-Purpose Rm’s 5 A & B at (8:45 AM or at 11 AM) after communion—when dismissed at both 1st & 2nd service. Your child will receive an age-appropriate lesson while you hear the day’s lesson uninter , ...4th Sunday Night Devo and Dinner Fellowship5:00 pmOur monthly 4th Sunday Night Devo and Dinner Fellowship will be in the Fellowship Hall. This month (March 23rd) we have a ‘Finger Lick’n Chicken’, theme! Please bring your best sides and/or dessert to complement Chicken! Bring the whole family or a friend, or both. You can share those too! ItR , ...
- 24Ladies’ Sewing8:30 amLadies’ Sewing usually meets each Monday in Bay Area 2, and the Sewing Room. Anyone is welcome. No experience is needed! The ladies do take off ‘Monday Holidays’. If the office is closed for a holiday, the sewing ladies are as well. First Monday of the month is followed by a Potluck Lunch! , ...
- 25Monthly Mark Twain Neighborhood Association Meeting6:00 pm - 7:00 pmMeet in Fellowship Hall at 6PM. This is a community meeting for those in the Mark Twain Neighborhood Association. It is usually held on the second Tuesday of the month unless the second Tuesday falls on a holiday, in which case it is held on the first Tuesday of the month. , ...
- 26Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class10:00 am - 11:00 amWednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class meets each Wednesday morning in Multi-purpose Rm 4B. Come early and come often! We have a great time. Our studies mainly focused on women, how they can be more Christ-like in this modern world, and how to deal with the circumstances we deal with today. We have a fellowship luncheon , ...Weekly Wednesday Bible Classes7:00 pm - 8:00 pmWeekly Wednesday Bible Classes meet in classrooms around the building. Click the link for class times and locations Additional Class Information to find your class! Each class provides an age-appropriate lesson for the participants. As the children ages 3 months through 6th grade learn about creation, the history a , ...
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- 2Sunday Morning Worship Service8:15 am - 10:30 amSunday Morning Worship Service is at 8:15 & and then again at 10:30 AM. Our morning worship services are identical. Many topics are covered during the morning worship, including scripture reading, songs, and the Lord’s Supper. You can also tune into our live-stream Sunday worship services at 10:30 AM on , ...Children’s Bible Hour 2 yr-olds to Kindergarten9:00 am - 12:00 pmChildren’s Bible Hour is available at both morning services on Sunday. Bring your child to the Multi-Purpose Rm’s 5 A & B at (8:45 AM or at 11 AM) after communion—when dismissed at both 1st & 2nd service. Your child will receive an age-appropriate lesson while you hear the day’s lesson uninter , ...
- 3Ladies’ Sewing8:30 amLadies’ Sewing usually meets each Monday in Bay Area 2, and the Sewing Room. Anyone is welcome. No experience is needed! The ladies do take off ‘Monday Holidays’. If the office is closed for a holiday, the sewing ladies are as well. First Monday of the month is followed by a Potluck Lunch! , ...
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- 5Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class10:00 am - 11:00 amWednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class meets each Wednesday morning in Multi-purpose Rm 4B. Come early and come often! We have a great time. Our studies mainly focused on women, how they can be more Christ-like in this modern world, and how to deal with the circumstances we deal with today. We have a fellowship luncheon , ...Weekly Wednesday Bible Classes7:00 pm - 8:00 pmWeekly Wednesday Bible Classes meet in classrooms around the building. Click the link for class times and locations Additional Class Information to find your class! Each class provides an age-appropriate lesson for the participants. As the children ages 3 months through 6th grade learn about creation, the history a , ...
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- 9Sunday Morning Worship Service8:15 am - 10:30 amSunday Morning Worship Service is at 8:15 & and then again at 10:30 AM. Our morning worship services are identical. Many topics are covered during the morning worship, including scripture reading, songs, and the Lord’s Supper. You can also tune into our live-stream Sunday worship services at 10:30 AM on , ...Children’s Bible Hour 2 yr-olds to Kindergarten9:00 am - 12:00 pmChildren’s Bible Hour is available at both morning services on Sunday. Bring your child to the Multi-Purpose Rm’s 5 A & B at (8:45 AM or at 11 AM) after communion—when dismissed at both 1st & 2nd service. Your child will receive an age-appropriate lesson while you hear the day’s lesson uninter , ...Sunday Evening Worship5:00 pmSunday Evening Worship is at 5 PM. On Sunday evening we meet in the fellowship hall, worship with scripture reading, songs, and the Lord’s Supper available to anyone who has not had the opportunity to partake earlier in the day. On the 4th Sunday evening of the month, we share a themed meal in the fellowship hall , ...
- 10Ladies’ Sewing8:30 amLadies’ Sewing usually meets each Monday in Bay Area 2, and the Sewing Room. Anyone is welcome. No experience is needed! The ladies do take off ‘Monday Holidays’. If the office is closed for a holiday, the sewing ladies are as well. First Monday of the month is followed by a Potluck Lunch! , ...
- 11Monthly Mark Twain Neighborhood Association Meeting6:00 pm - 7:00 pmMonthly Mark Twain Neighborhood Association Meeting meets in the Fellowship Hall at 6PM. This is a community meeting for those in the Mark Twain Neighborhood Association. Usually held on the second Tuesday of the month unless the second Tuesday falls on a holiday and then it is held on the first Tuesday of the month , ...
- 12Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class10:00 am - 11:00 amWednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class meets each Wednesday morning in Multi-purpose Rm 4B. Come early and come often! We have a great time. Our studies mainly focused on women, how they can be more Christ-like in this modern world, and how to deal with the circumstances we deal with today. We have a fellowship luncheon , ...Weekly Wednesday Bible Classes7:00 pm - 8:00 pmWeekly Wednesday Bible Classes meet in classrooms around the building. Click the link for class times and locations Additional Class Information to find your class! Each class provides an age-appropriate lesson for the participants. As the children ages 3 months through 6th grade learn about creation, the history a , ...
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- 15Monthly Widowhood Event in March12:00 pm - 3:00 pmThe Monthly Widowhood Event in March is a gathering to meet, greet, and share time together. In March the group will meet and have a St. Patrick’s Game Day and Irish Baked Potato Bar. Join us and have some fun and fellowship! (Potatoes, butter, and sour cream provided.) DATE EVENT WHEN/ WHERE January 18th , ...
- 16Sunday Morning Worship Service8:15 am - 10:30 amSunday Morning Worship Service is at 8:15 & and then again at 10:30 AM. Our morning worship services are identical. Many topics are covered during the morning worship, including scripture reading, songs, and the Lord’s Supper. You can also tune into our live-stream Sunday worship services at 10:30 AM on , ...Children’s Bible Hour 2 yr-olds to Kindergarten9:00 am - 12:00 pmChildren’s Bible Hour is available at both morning services on Sunday. Bring your child to the Multi-Purpose Rm’s 5 A & B at (8:45 AM or at 11 AM) after communion—when dismissed at both 1st & 2nd service. Your child will receive an age-appropriate lesson while you hear the day’s lesson uninter , ...
- 17Ladies’ Sewing8:30 amLadies’ Sewing usually meets each Monday in Bay Area 2, and the Sewing Room. Anyone is welcome. No experience is needed! The ladies do take off ‘Monday Holidays’. If the office is closed for a holiday, the sewing ladies are as well. First Monday of the month is followed by a Potluck Lunch! , ...
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- 19Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class10:00 am - 11:00 amWednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class meets each Wednesday morning in Multi-purpose Rm 4B. Come early and come often! We have a great time. Our studies mainly focused on women, how they can be more Christ-like in this modern world, and how to deal with the circumstances we deal with today. We have a fellowship luncheon , ...Weekly Wednesday Bible Classes7:00 pm - 8:00 pmWeekly Wednesday Bible Classes meet in classrooms around the building. Click the link for class times and locations Additional Class Information to find your class! Each class provides an age-appropriate lesson for the participants. As the children ages 3 months through 6th grade learn about creation, the history a , ...
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- 22Sunsetters Pizza and a Movie11:00 amJoin us for Sunsetters Pizza and a Movie ! What could be better than pizza and a movie? Be here at 11 AM and see the film “Woodlawn”! Sign up to attend (so we’ll know how much pizza to get). To see other Sunsetters’ Group Events go to the Sunsetters Group Calendar , ...
- 23Semi-Annual Fair Haven Paper DriveAll DayThe Semi-Annual Fair Haven Paper Drive at Sunset Church of Christ Building, 1222 W. Sunset St., Springfield MO. Bring any type of paper product families might need. (Toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, & tissues.) Proceeds benefit Fair Haven Children’s Home. , ...Sunday Morning Worship Service8:15 am - 10:30 amSunday Morning Worship Service is at 8:15 & and then again at 10:30 AM. Our morning worship services are identical. Many topics are covered during the morning worship, including scripture reading, songs, and the Lord’s Supper. You can also tune into our live-stream Sunday worship services at 10:30 AM on , ...Children’s Bible Hour 2 yr-olds to Kindergarten9:00 am - 12:00 pmChildren’s Bible Hour is available at both morning services on Sunday. Bring your child to the Multi-Purpose Rm’s 5 A & B at (8:45 AM or at 11 AM) after communion—when dismissed at both 1st & 2nd service. Your child will receive an age-appropriate lesson while you hear the day’s lesson uninter , ...4th Sunday Night Devo and Dinner Fellowship5:00 pmOur monthly 4th Sunday Night Devo and Dinner Fellowship will be in the Fellowship Hall. This month (March 23rd) we have a ‘Finger Lick’n Chicken’, theme! Please bring your best sides and/or dessert to complement Chicken! Bring the whole family or a friend, or both. You can share those too! ItR , ...
- 24Ladies’ Sewing8:30 amLadies’ Sewing usually meets each Monday in Bay Area 2, and the Sewing Room. Anyone is welcome. No experience is needed! The ladies do take off ‘Monday Holidays’. If the office is closed for a holiday, the sewing ladies are as well. First Monday of the month is followed by a Potluck Lunch! , ...
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- 26Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class10:00 am - 11:00 amWednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class meets each Wednesday morning in Multi-purpose Rm 4B. Come early and come often! We have a great time. Our studies mainly focused on women, how they can be more Christ-like in this modern world, and how to deal with the circumstances we deal with today. We have a fellowship luncheon , ...Weekly Wednesday Bible Classes7:00 pm - 8:00 pmWeekly Wednesday Bible Classes meet in classrooms around the building. Click the link for class times and locations Additional Class Information to find your class! Each class provides an age-appropriate lesson for the participants. As the children ages 3 months through 6th grade learn about creation, the history a , ...
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- 31Ladies’ Sewing8:30 amLadies’ Sewing usually meets each Monday in Bay Area 2, and the Sewing Room. Anyone is welcome. No experience is needed! The ladies do take off ‘Monday Holidays’. If the office is closed for a holiday, the sewing ladies are as well. First Monday of the month is followed by a Potluck Lunch! , ...
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- 2Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class10:00 am - 11:00 amWednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class meets each Wednesday morning in Multi-purpose Rm 4B. Come early and come often! We have a great time. Our studies mainly focused on women, how they can be more Christ-like in this modern world, and how to deal with the circumstances we deal with today. We have a fellowship luncheon , ...Weekly Wednesday Bible Classes7:00 pm - 8:00 pmWeekly Wednesday Bible Classes meet in classrooms around the building. Click the link for class times and locations Additional Class Information to find your class! Each class provides an age-appropriate lesson for the participants. As the children ages 3 months through 6th grade learn about creation, the history a , ...
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